Helen Beggs
Bureau of Meteorology, VIC, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Impact of new satellite observations on operational OceanMAPS performance (#174)
2:45 PM
Xinmei Huang
05(i). Advances in ocean observing, modelling and prediction
Measuring coastal upwelling using IMOS Himawari-8 and Multi-Sensor SST (#46)
4:15 PM
Helen Beggs
01(ii). Ocean extreme events and their impacts
Exploiting higher resolution satellite sensors to produce 2 km multi-sensor composites of sea surface temperature (#158)
12:15 PM
Helen Beggs
26(ii). Big data in oceanography and meteorology: challenges, applications and data products
Comparison of high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) climatology datasets to inform studies of current Australian coastal trends (#2044)
3:00 PM
Yuwei HU
Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 2