What does the new 28-year regional reanalysis for Australia (BARRA) have to offer? (#266)
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- Acharya, S., Nathan, R., Wang, Q.J, Su, C.-H. and Eizenberg, N., 2018, An evaluation of daily precipitation from atmospheric reanalyses over Australia (in preparation).
- Jakob, D., Su, C.-H., Eizenberg, N., Kociuba, G., Steinle, P., Fox-Hughes, P. and Bettio, L., 2017, An atmospheric high-resolution regional reanalysis for Australia, BAMOS Vol 30, Issue 3, Sept 2017, p16-23.
- Jian, J., 2018, The application of BARRA data in hydrological modelling, APR Internship final presentation, 23 October 2018.
- Stassen, C., 2018, Dynamical downscaling of climate change projections over Australia, APR Internship final presentation, 30 October 2018
- Su, C.-H., Eizenberg, N., Steinle, P., Jakob, D., Fox-Hughes, P., White, C., Rennie, S., Franklin, C., Dharssi, I. and Zhu, H., 2018, A high-resolution atmospheric regional reanalysis for Australia, New Zealand and south-east Asia, (submitted to Geoscientific Model Development)