Susan Wijffels
Wealth from Oceans Flagship, CSIRO, TAS, Australia

Dr Susan Wijffels is recognised for her international and national leadership of the Global Ocean Observing System and is regarded as an expert in Indonesian Throughflow and its significance in global heat and freshwater budgets and quantifying large-scale multi-decadal ocean change and global salinity changes.
She currently leads CSIRO’s Dynamic Oceans Theme, and is co Chair of International Argo Science Team. She is also a member of IOC/UNESCO International Steering Committee for the Global Ocean Observing System, Australian Antarctic Science Advisory Committee, Pacific Research Centre Science Advisory Committee and Australian Academy of Science’s Earth Systems Science Committee.
Dr Wijffels is a recipient of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society’s Priestly Medal as well as the Australian Academy of Sciences’ Dorothy Hill Award.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Greenhouse gases, anthropogenic aerosols and the uptake and storage of excess heat in the climate system (#237)
11:00 AM
Damien Irving
10(ii). Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
A voyage of the RV Investigator to the Maritime Continent in Oct-Dec 2019 (#62)
9:00 AM
Matthew C Wheeler
31(i). Maritime Continent earth system science and the Years of Maritime Continent
Ocean Processes in the Maritime Continent: recent progress and remaining challenges (#243)
11:00 AM
Susan Wijffels
KEYNOTE: Susan Wijffels