(Double tap a session to add to favourites)
WORKSHOP: Software Carpentry
Chair: Damien Irving
WORKSHOP: Weather Forecasting in the Tropics
WORKSHOP: Climate science data access and analysis at NCI
Chair: Kate Snow
WORKSHOP: How to access and use IMOS data for your research
Chair: Craig Steinberg
PLENARY: Rosemary Hill
27(i). Indigenous people leading climate change understanding and response
27. Indigenous weather and climate
Chair: Rowan Foley
19. Impact and risk assessment for weather extremes
19. Impact and risk assessment for weather extremes
Chair: Craig Arthur
06(i). Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
06. Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
KEYNOTE: Michael Montgomery
32(i). Tropical cyclones: climate processes, variability and change
32. Tropical cyclones: climate processes, variability and change
Chair: Hamish Ramsay
Chairs: Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick & Angela Maharaj
AMOS KEYNOTE: Blair Trewin, Joëlle Gergis
33(i). Tropical cyclone dynamics and forecasting
33. Tropical cyclone dynamics and forecasting
Chair: Gerard Kilroy
27(ii). Indigenous people leading climate change understanding and response
27. Indigenous weather and climate
Chair: Rowan Foley
01(i). Ocean extreme events and their impacts
01. Ocean extreme events and their impacts
Chairs: Eva Cougnon & Craig Steinberg
06(ii). Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
06. Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 1
13. Understanding variability and changes in Southern Hemisphere circulation
13. Understanding variability and changes in Southern Hemisphere circulation
Chair: Acacia Pepler
01(ii). Ocean extreme events and their impacts
01. Ocean extreme events and their impacts
Chairs: Eva Cougnon & Neil Holbrook
06(iii). Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
06. Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
32(ii). Tropical cyclones: climate processes, variability and change
32. Tropical cyclones: climate processes, variability and change
Chair: Savin Chand
Ice Breaker - Convention Centre
Public Event - Deck Chair Cinema
NESP ESCC Hub Breakfast (AMOS Members Only)
Panel Discussion: Challenges and Opportunities for Communicating Climate Change in Australia
Chairs: David Holmes & Ailie Gallant
31(i). Maritime Continent earth system science and the Years of Maritime Continent
31. Maritime Continent earth system science and the Years of Maritime Continent
Chair: Alain Protat
PLENARY: Karumuri Ashok
Morning Tea
COMMS: Communicating the AMOS sciences - View from the bench
Chairs: Karen Pearce & Linden Ashcroft
17. Extreme temperature events: attribution of events, processes and impacts
17. Extreme temperature events: attribution of events, processes and impacts
Chairs: Andrew King & Raktima Dey
02/03(i). Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
02/03. Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
Chair: Xuebin Zhang
06(iv). Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
06. Tropics to ice: clouds, aerosol, composition and chemistry
KEYNOTE: George Kiladis
31(ii). Maritime Continent earth system science and the Years of Maritime Continent
31. Maritime Continent earth system science and the Years of Maritime Continent
Chair: Kunio Yoneyama
COMMS: Communicating AMOS sciences - How do we know when we get it right?
Chair: Karen Pearce
NSW OEH Workshop: Lost in Translation? Delivering high impact science for climate resilient decision making
Chairs: Kathleen Beyer & Aaron Coutts-Smith
30(i). The role of organised tropical convection for weather and climate variability
30. The role of organised tropical convection for weather and climate variability
Chair: Harry Hendon
21(i). Closing the loop: weather and climate impacts and risks described for agriculture and business
21. Closing the loop: weather and climate impacts and risks described for agriculture and business.
Chairs: Kavina Dayal & Jaclyn Brown
02/03(ii). Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
02/03. Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
Chair: Guojian Wang
12(i). Regional climate modelling and its applications
12. Regional climate modelling and its applications
Chair: Jason Evans
COMMS: How to help your team connect with their audiences
Chair: Melissa Lyne
Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 1
COMMS: Communicating AMOS sciences - How do we do it better?
Chairs: Melissa Lyne & Karen Pearce
21(ii). Closing the loop: weather and climate impacts and risks described for agriculture and business
21. Closing the loop: weather and climate impacts and risks described for agriculture and business.
Chairs: Janine Chang Fung Martel & Kavina Dayal
02/03(iii). Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
02/03. Dynamics of the Southern Hemisphere oceans; bridging spatial scales in the ocean
12(ii). Regional climate modelling and its applications
12. Regional climate modelling and its applications
Chair: Marcus Thatcher
30(ii). The role of organised tropical convection for weather and climate variability
30. The role of organised tropical convection for weather and climate variability
Chair: George Kiladis
Conference Dinner
PLENARY: Gemma Teresa Narisma
04(i). From the shelf to the deep: Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes
04. From the shelf to the deep: Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes
Chair: Veronica Tamsitt
18(i). Drought: variability, processes and prediction
18. Drought: variability, processes and prediction
Chair: Benjamin Henley
26(i). Big data in oceanography and meteorology: challenges, applications and data products
26. Big data in oceanography and meteorology: challenges, applications and data products
36. Tropical oceanography: processes and dynamics
36. Tropical oceanography: processes and dynamics
Chair: Ryan Holmes
Morning Tea
KEYNOTE: Chidong Zhang
04(ii). From the shelf to the deep: Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes
04. From the shelf to the deep: Antarctic and Southern Ocean processes
Chair: Annie Foppert
18(ii). Drought: variability, processes and prediction
18. Drought: variability, processes and prediction
Chair: Ailie Gallant
26(ii). Big data in oceanography and meteorology: challenges, applications and data products
26. Big data in oceanography and meteorology: challenges, applications and data products
35. Variability and dynamics of Indo-Pacific ocean exchange and roles in air-sea coupling
35. Variability and dynamics of Indo-Pacific ocean exchange and roles in air-sea coupling
34(i). Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
34. Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
Chairs: Shayne McGregor & Andréa Taschetto
WORKSHOP: RV Investigator
Chairs: Carolyn Seelen & Ben Arthur
Uwe Radok Lecture: Catherine Vreugdenhil
34(ii). Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
34. Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
Chairs: Shayne McGregor & Andréa Taschetto
05(i). Advances in ocean observing, modelling and prediction
05. Advances in ocean observing, modelling and prediction
Chair: Diana Greenslade
07(i). Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
07. Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
Chairs: Todd Lane & Lisa Alexander
14(i). Palaeoclimates and palaeo-environments: proxies and modelling advances
14. Palaeoclimates and palaeo-environments: proxies and modelling advances
Chair: Kathryn Allen
Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 2
05(ii). Advances in ocean observing, modelling and prediction
05. Advances in ocean observing, modelling and prediction
Chair: Craig Steinberg
07(ii). Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
07. Australian rainfall: processes, interactions and extremes
Chairs: Todd Lane & Lisa Alexander
14(ii). Palaeoclimates and palaeo-environments: proxies and modelling advances
14. Palaeoclimates and palaeo-environments: proxies and modelling advances
Chair: Steven Phipps
34(iii). Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
34. Tropical climate variability: dynamics, teleconnections and impacts
Chairs: Shayne McGregor & Andréa Taschetto
Mindil Beach Markets
PLENARY: Peter Webster
22. Energy systems and the weather/climate nexus
22. Energy systems and the weather/climate nexus
23. Automation and the changing role of the forecaster
23. Automation and the changing role of the forecaster
Chair: Michael Foley
10(i). Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
10. Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
Chair: Harun Rashid
29. Climate application for the tropics
29. Climate application for the tropics
Morning Tea
16(i). High-impact weather
16. High-impact weather
Chair: Michael Reeder
24/25(i). Education, outreach and public engagement in weather, climate and ocean science
24/25. Education, outreach and public engagement in weather, climate and ocean science
Chair: Linden Ashcroft
10(ii). Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
10. Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
Chair: Daohua Bi
KEYNOTE: Susan Wijffels
28(i). Processes in global and regional monsoons
28. Processes in global and regional monsoons
AMOS/CLEX Equity and Diversity workshop lunch - writing, and assessing, ROPE
KEYNOTE: Jason Sharples
33(ii). Tropical cyclone dynamics and forecasting
33. Tropical cyclone dynamics and forecasting
Chair: Joe Courtney
16(ii). High-impact weather
16. High-impact weather
Chair: Robert Warren
24/25(ii). Education, outreach and public engagement in weather, climate and ocean science
24/25. Education, outreach and public engagement in weather, climate and ocean science
Chair: Linden Ashcroft
10(iii). Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
10. Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
Chair: Eun-Pa Lim
Afternoon Tea + Poster Session 2
16(iii). High-impact weather
16. High-impact weather
Chair: Harald Richter
09. Wave dynamics
09. Wave dynamics
Chairs: Callum Shakespeare & Michael Reeder
10(iv). Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
10. Modelling, prediction and projections of climate variability and change
Chair: Harun Rashid